This is the COMPLETE Index for the book
Some Records of Sussex County Delaware
Compiled by C. H. B. Turner, Lewes, Delaware
Philadelphia, Allen, Lane & Scott 1909Graciously provided by Barbara
Abechurch, Mary
Able, Henry
Adams, Rev.Alexander,
John, Peter, Samuel, Wm,
Adkinson, Richard, Thomas
Adolph, Peter
Alef, Joseph
Alexander, Ffrans
Alison, Mr. Hector, Issac
Allen, Henry, Mary, Moses,
Alrichs, J, Peter
Alston, A
Alstone, Arthur
Ammand, Mr
Anderson, Robt, Wm
Andrews, George, Rev. John
Andros, Sir Edmond
Aplegate, bartholomew
Arendael, Will
Arnestead, Daniell
Arnold, Wm
Art, Baily, Jacob, Sarah
Ashmeads, John, Mrs.
Ashton, Thomas
Askew, James
Assbury, Wm
Atthow, Thomas
Audrey, John
Avery John, Mary, Sarah
Backhouse, Rev. Richard
Backstead, John
Badger, John
Baggwell, John, Wm
Baily, Elias, Hannah ,
Hannah Jr, John, Johnathan
Jonathan Jr, Mary
Baker, Wm
Ball, Lt. George
Balsch, Isaac
Barker, Elizabeth, John
Barkstead, Joshua
Barnard, Capt
Barnes, Benoini
Barnett, John
Baron, John
Barrows, John
Barrett, John C
Barry, Edward T
Barsteed, Joshua
Barthelmy, Jermiha
Bartlett, Nichols, Sara
Barton, John, Robert
Barwick, Katharine
Baswell, John
Bateson, Ffrancis
Batson, John, Kendle
Bawcombe, Peter
Bayard, James A
Beall, Capt Joshua
Beall, Lt Col
Beaman, John
Beauchamp, Isaac
Beaverly, Wm
Beckett, Alexander, Elizabeth
Hester, James, John,
John, Sr, Katherine,
Mary, Susanna, Will,
Rev Wm
Bedewell, Robert
Bedewell, Thomas
Bedford, Gunning, Jr
Bedwell, Susanna
Bellemy, John
Bell, Elizabeth Hamilton
Bell, Rev. Hamilton
Bell, Mary Eleanor
Bell, Mrs
Benbrick, Edward, Jane,
Bennett, John, Miriam,
Benson, George
Berry, Edward, Samuel
William, Jr
Besant, Thomas, Jane
Betts, John
Bibbe, Edmond, Esther,
Mary, Matthew
Biship, Arin, John
Black, W.
"Black Will"
Black, Rev Wm
Blackwell, John
Blagge, Benjamin
Blair, Mr
Blanck, Jurien
Blount, Mrs
Bluett, Rev Thomas
Bocent, Thomas
Bolstick, Thomas
Boodle, Edward
Booth, Francis, James
Jhn, Joseph
Borden, Mark
Borroughts, Ester, John, Wm
Bourne, Wm
Bowd, Isaac, Jane
Bowman, Henry, John, Mary
Mr,. Thomas
Bracey, Ann, Elizabeth,
Mary, Robt Sr, Robt Jr
Bradford, Mr, Nathaniel,
Capt Wm,
Bradshaw, John, John Jr
Brady, Philip, Samuel
Braines, Capt Thomas
Branscom, Eliz, Mary,
Sarah, Thomas
Brate, Abram
Bravan, Joseph
, Robt, Wm
Brereton, Robt, Wm
Bridge, John, Jr.
Brighte, Charles
Brinklo, John
Brock, Capt Wm
Brooke, Henry, Ralph
Brooks, Henry
Brown (Breen,Broen) Dan'l
Brown, John, John Mason,
Broxon, Joseph, Thomas
Bundock, Grace. Richard
Bundon, Rich
Burch, Edwrd
Burgess, Capt, Comfort
Burke, Hen
Burough, Susanna
Burton, Albert, Ann May
Benjamin, Caroline,
Cornelius, Eliza Ann,
Gideon, John, Joshua
Leah, Mary Ann, Mary
Vaughan, Robt, Wm
Theopholus, Woolsey
Butler, Deborah, Wm
Byron, Wm
Caddy, John
Cade, Dorman
Cade, Mr, Mrs, Robt
Calvert, Philip
Campbell, Mr
Canes, Wm
Cannon, Elijah Sr, Jr
Cantwell, Ed
Carey, Edward, John, Mr
Carlisle, Mr
Carman, Michiel
Carpenter, Affyance, Annie
Eliza, Benjamin, Catherine
Comfort, Elizabeth, James,
James Henry, Jane, John D
John Dorman, Joseph,
Louis Marshall, Lydia,
Margaret, Margaret M., Mary,
Mary Dean, Mary Quinn, Mary
Rodgers, Nancy, Robt Howard,
Thomas Howard, Thom Howard
Carr, Capt
Carter, Eliz, John, Wm
Cartle, Elijah
Caudmes, Wm
Chace, William
Chamerlayne, John
Chamber, John, Michell
Charles, Mr
Charles, Symon
Chew, Mr
Childs, Rev John
Chipman, Sara
Christian the Indian
Claessen, Wm
Clament (widow)
Clampitt, Wm
Clark, Honor, James, John,
Sarah, Wm
Clarke, Aletta, Alletta Jr,
Anna, Charlotte, Eliz,
Ester, Hannah, John, Joshua
Lidia, Lot, Mary, Melicent,
Miers, Polly, Sarah, Thomas
Claypoole, Eliz, George, James,
Jeremiah, Jerry, Mary, Norton,
Rachell, Robt, Sarah
Clayton, John
Clement, Abraham
Clemmy, Abraham
Cleveland, Rev Aaron, Susanna
Cliford, Mongo
Cliford, Thomas
Clifton, Robt, John, Sarah,
Clowes, Aletta, Catherine, Comfort, David, Ezekiel
Gerhardus, Hannah, Isaac,
John, John, Jr, Judge John,
Mary, Peter, Ryves, Samuel,
Sarah, Wm
Clubb, Mr
Edward, Cocke
Codd, Berkley
Coe, Eliz, John, Wm
Coffin, Wm
Cole, John
Coleman, Thomas
Colle, James
Collens, Darby, Geroge, Wm
Collins, Mr, Mrs
Collison, Barbary, John
Conely, John
Connerly, Charles
Conwell, Charles, Elias, Fisher
Gerhardus, Hannah, John
Lydia, Nancy, Sheperd< Wm
Cook, Capt Roby
Cook, Rev
Cooks, Edward
Cooper, Mr
Coore, Esther, Richard
Corbet, Robert, Roger
Cord, Joseph
Cord, Wm
Cordinwe, Mr
Cornelius Harmen (Herman)
Cornwell, Francis, Jr, Mary
Corsey, David
Cortes, John
Corwidda, Sarah
Coudrey, Ben
Couper, Capt Henry, James
Courtney, Thomas
Coutter, Joseph
Coverdale, Bill, Nance, Sue,
Patience, Thomas
Cowdree, Joseph
Cowdrey, Wm
Cowthry, Wm,
Crafford, Mongo, Richard
Craford, Will
Craig, Rev George
Crawford, Rev Thomas, Mrs
Creagor, Cornelius
Creigier, Capt Martyn
Cresap, Thos
Cressop, Colo
Crew, John
Crompton, Thomas
Croper, Jo
Cross, Mr Tobt
Croutch, John
Crowell, Samuel, Susanna
Cullen, Charles, Charles W, Elisha, Elizabeth, George, John, Johnathan, Piercy, Sarah
Cumings Enoch
Cummings, Rev Mr, Mrs
Curtis, John
Daggworthy, Capt John
Dagworthy, Mrs
Dampier, Capt
Daniel, John
Darby, Daniel
Darrall, Wm
Dause, Eauan
Davids, John, Judith, Sussana, Thomas, Wm
Davis, George, Mark, Mrs, Mr
Davis, Nehemiah, Samuel, Wm
Dawson, John, Michael
Daygtet, Richard
Dean, Mary, Michael
Dearborn, Heny f, Henry G, Mary
Debter, Miney
Dellavall, Capt Thos
Denison, Thomas
De Payster, Abraham
Deprea, Andrew, Jacob, John Mary , Wm
Dere, Will
De Shaw, John
Dickinson, Johnn, Samuel, Walter
Dicks, Robt
Dishaa, John
Dixon, Thomas
Dobson, Richard
Dod, George
Dorman, Besty, Eliz, Gerhardus, John, John K, Mary, Nehermiah, Sheldron< Tabitaha
Douglass, Ann, Wm
Dowgan Timothy
Draper, Alexander, Benny, Chatrine, Henry, Isaac, John, Mary, Maud, Nelly, Polly, Rebecka, Sarah
Drew, Cap James
Drigers, Wm
Droochestraeder, Herman
Duche, Rev
Dunavan the Widow
Dunton, Thomas, William
Durborow, Hugh
Durnall, William
Durvall, William
Dyer, Edmund, James, Mary, Sarah, Major Wm, William
Edmondson, James, John, Morrice, Simon, Thomas
Edwardson, John
Elliot, James
Elme, John, Margaret
Ely, George, Jane
Emitt, Mary, William, Will, Jr
Empson, Richard
Endsor, John
Enloes, Anthony
Ennis, Levin
Enor, Richard
Erskine, Mr John
Eubank, Henry
Evans, John, Mrs, Peter, Rev, Thomas
Everson, Matthias
Eves, Oswald
Eyres, Abigail, Abigail, Jr,John, John, JR
Falconer, Capt
Fenton, Mr
Ffancy, Wm
Ffarmer, Wm
Ffenwick, James, Thomas
Ffinceh, John
Ffletcher, Capt, Rev Thomas, Wm
Ffox Jonathan
Ffrances, Robert
Ffreeland, Isaac
Ffreeman, Rev Aaron, Susannna
Ffretwell, Dorothea, Ralph, Roger
Field, Luke, Mary, Nehemiah, Nehiemiah Jr, rachel, Wm
Finley, Sarah
Fisher, Alis, Dennis, George, Harry, James, John, John Jr, Joshua, Lydia, Margaret, Miers, Racher, Samuel, Sara, Susanna, Thomas, Wm
Flaman, Capt
Fleming, Thomas
Flower, Wm
Forman, Rev John
Foster, Ann, John, Robt
Fowler, Ainee
Franklin, Benjamin, Rev Walter
Frounsen, Simon
Fuller, John
Futcher, Elizabeth, Henry, John, Mary, Richard, Sarah, Wm, Wm Jr
Gamble, Joseph
Garland, Susan
Garritt, Barnard, Barnwell
Gerris, Barrents
Getes, John
Gibb, Marie, John
Gibson, John
Gill, Rich, Robert
Gillum, Robert
Gilpin, Lydia, Thomas
Gitto, Dorothy, Henry, John
Glass, John
Glover, John
Godijin, Samuel
Godsell, Peter, Robert, Sara
Godwin, Cesar, Wm
Goesen, Jafeth
Goit, Mary, Peter
Golidge, (Jones) Thomas
Gordon, Daniel, Major, Patrick
Goss, Peter
Gould, Edward
Goylack, Yoakim
Grainger, Nichos
Grant, Alexander
Grantam, John
Gray, David, Eliz, Ffackly, Isaac, James, Johnathan, John, Rebecka, Samuel, Sarah, Susanna, Thomas
Green, Ann, George, Jane Eliza, pyramus, Thomas
Greenbury, Nicholas
Greentree, John
Griffin, Richard
Grimdyk, Thomas
Groondyk, Peter
Groves, Sara, Thomas
Gum, Roger
Gunby, Francis
Hackester, John
Hacket, Rev Walter
Hagester, John, John, Jr
Hall, Bevy, Col David, Dr, Livy, Lydia, Robert, Thomas, The widow
Hamen, Andreas
Hamen (alias Haverly) Anthony
Hamen, Daniel, James, John
Hamilton, Mr
Hancock, Thomas
Hanser, Adminadab, Jr
Hanzer, Rose
Hardin, Jame
SHarding, Frances
Harford, Thomas
Hargrove, George
Harley, Robt
Harman , Henry
Harmassamale the Indian
Harris, Rev Matthias, Wm, Dr Wm
Harrison William, Rev Mr
Harte, Daniel, James, Joane, John, Margaret, Margaret, jr, Robt, Robt, Jr, Thomas
Hartle, Elias
Harvey, Richard
Hassold, Thomas
Haward, Thomas
Haye, John
Haynes, Charles, Elizabeth
Hazzard, Elon (Ellen), Cord, David, Hap, James, John, Jacobv, Mrs., Wm
Heath, James
Heavelo, Betty, John, Johnathan, Mrs., Polly, Rachel, Roderick, Sarah
Heiffer, Thomas
Heights, Samuel
Helier, Danel
Henry, Francis
Herrington, Eles
Hews, Elizabeth, James, Katherine
Hickman, Ffrancis, George, Joseph, Mary, Rev Wm, Wm
Hide, Cornelius
Higbee, Rev Daniel
Hignett, Robert, Wm
Hilard, Daniel, John
Hill, Elizabeth, John, Richard, Thomas
Hillborn, Mary
Hillyard, Charled, John, John Jr, Rachel
Hinman, Mary, Richard
Hirons, Samuel
Hiz, William
Hockaday, Samuel
Hodges, Barnard
Hodkins, Jame, Thomas
Hogbean Richard
Holgate, Robert
Holland, James
Holloway, Jane, Nazareth, Richard
Holt, Ryves, Jr
Holdt, Mrs Catherine
Hoogland, Martin
Hook, Polly, Mrs
Hooker, Mr, Mrs
Hosman, Mr
Howard, Richard, Robert, Wight (Knight), Wm
Howell, Capt, Katherine, Major Edmund
How, John
Hudson,Anderson, Ann, Henry, Robert, Walter
Huling, James, John, Margaret, Martha
Humphrey, Alexander Mr
Hunter, Hon William
Huntington, Cat
Hyshebon, John
Inglis, Rev. Charles
Inglows, Anthony
Ingram, John
Irwin, Mr, Mrs.
Ishell, Daniel, Mary
Ixwonboult, Peter
Jackson, Barnwell, Betty,
Christopher, Mr., Peter,
Jacobs, Albert, Elizabeth,
Hannah, John, Martha
Jansen, Jacob
Jeames, Elizabeth
Jeffrey, John
Jenkins, Francis, Mr.,
Jennings, Ann, Edward, John
Jenny, Rev. Dr.
Johnson, Adam, Burton,
Charles, Cornelius, David
Elizabeth, F., John Jr., John
Sr., Martha, Robert, Susan.
Jones, Charles B, Daniel,
Evans, Gabriel, Griffith,
Henry, Janes, J.Comly,
John, Mary H., Rachel
Roberts, Samwell, Solomon,
Joyce, Sarah, Thomas
Kanning, Stephen
Kearl, Ben
Keene, Will
Keith, Col. William
Kellam, Elizabeth, Mary,
Kelly, Margaret, William
Kemarr, Charles
Kenninge, William
Kenny, Will
Kerle, Annto
Kidd, capt
King, Betsy, Charles, David,
John, Mrs. Mary, Polly,
Kingsberry, Rev. Nathan
Kipshaven, Bartree, Burkee,
Honor, John, John Jr.,
Kipshaw, John
Kirwithy, (Cirwithen),
Klaessen< wilem
Knowles, Jane, Samuel
Kockshall (Coggeshall),
Kollock, Col Simon, Comfort
Jacob, James P., Margret
Mary, Philip, Susanna
Kurk, John
Lacham George
Lamb, Abner
Langhorne, Thomas
Latham, Adam
Laftan, James
Lawes, Richard
Laytree, James
Lee, Joseph
Lee, Rt. Rev. Alfred,
Lehamaine, Philip
Lekater, Christopher
Leonard, Samuel
Lepay, Capt
Leverritt, Elizabeth,
Levick, Richard
Lewis, Grace, Johnathan,
Mary, Peter, William,
Leyes, James
Lilevoort, John
Lind, Mr
Lindsay, Robert
Linton, John
Liston, Edmund
Little, John JR
Lloyd, John, Mary, Thomas
Lober, Michael
Locke, Rev. Richard
London, Bryan
Long, James, Mr.
Lookerman, Nicholas
Louicks, Richard
Lovelace, Sir Francis
Love, Timothey
Lowe, Joseph
Lowing, William
Lowther, George
Luckassen, Peter
Ludgar, Peter
Lukens, Nathaniel
Luker, Mr
Lush, Ely
Lynch, Author
Lyon, Rev John
McBean, Angus
McCracken, Gilbert, John,
McHam, Hester
McIlvanie, David, Mills
McKeant, Thomas
McKee, Dr
McKim, Rev. John
Maccandlis, Thomas
Maccomb, John
Macnab, Joseph
Maelsteyn, Sander
Magaw, Rev. Samuel
Mahon, John,
Manloe, Alice, John
Manlove, Ann, Elizabeth
Mark, Mary, Nathaniel
Ruth, Sarah, Thomas,
William, William jr
Margin, David
Markham, Capt. William
Mariner, Thomas, Reece
Sarah, Simon
Marrott, Mary
Marsh, Ann Mary, Esther
James P W, John
Dr. Joseph, Mary, Capt.
Paul, Peter, Sarah Ann
Marshall, Catherine, Charles,
David, Eliza, J.A., John,
Mary Q., William Sr., Wm
Martens, Bernard, George,
Martin, Thomas
Mason, Catherine, Charles,
Charles, jr., Elias, Jacob
James, Dr. James, Joseph sr
Magdalen, Margaret, Mary
Rachel, Sarah, William,
William S.
Massey, William
Masten, David, Deborah,
Hannah, John, Sarah, Wm,
W. M.
Matthews, James
Maud, Jane
Maull Family
Maull, James, John, Nehemiah, Paul
May, Margaret, Thomas
Medcalf, George
Mein, Patrick
Merten, George
Metcalf, Esther, John, Mary
Michiel, Han
Middleton, Mr
Midgely, Thomas
Midleton, Ellinor
Miers, Elizabeth, John
Milby, John
Miles, Colonel
Millen, Robert, William
Millenor, Robert
Miller, Mary
Milliner, Rebecka, John
Millington, John
Millner, Mercy, WWm
Millner, William
Mills, James
Mitchell, Mark
Molestine, Abraham,
Alexander, jr,
Elizabeth, Henry, John
Lidia, Margaret, Mary,
Thomas, William
Molleston, William
Moore, Isaac, John, Major,
Mr., Mrs., N.
Morgan, Edward, Mary,
Thomas, William,
Morris, Phillip, Samuel,
Mosely, Elizabeth, Hannah,
Moulder, Jane, Mary
Mountveale, Capt
Murdick, Robert
Murffy, Charles
Myers, Henry
Myles, Mr.
Nandins, Mr.
Naws, Benjamin,
Edmund, Edward. John
Neill, Rev. Edward, Col.
Henry, Rev. Hugh,
Dr. John, Joseph
Nesbit, Mr.
Newall, John, William
Newcomb, Ann, Baptist,
Baptist jr., Daniel, David,
Newell, George
Newmains, Mrs.
Nicholls, Capt., Governor,
Matthais, Samuel
Nickerson, Joseph
Nixon, Edward
Norman, Anne, Annes, Eliza,
John, John B.,Joshua, Mary,
Millr R., Miriam, Patience,
Purnal, Thomas, Judge
Thomas L.
Norris, Admiral Sir John
Nunez, Daniel, Daniel jr,
Esther, Hen. O., Mary, Moses
Oakey, John, Mary
Oboab, Moses
Oharon, Timothy
Oldman, Elizabeth, Thomas
Oliver, Alexander, Levi
Orema, L.
Orion, William
Orr, John, William (P)
Orton, George, Hannah, Wm.,
Osborne, Capt. John, Matthew
Outim, John
Owen, Magdalen
Pack, E
Page, William
Paling, Simon
Palmer, Anthony
Parke, Thomas
Parker, Anderson, Edward
George, George jr., John,
John jr., Matthew, Thomas
Parling, Elizabeth, Simon
Parmore (Palmer), Tabitha
Parr, Richard
Parradee, John, Steven
Parry, Ester, Rowland
Parsley, Anthony, Elizabeth
Parvis, William
Patte, Ann, John, Lidy,
Pawling, Dina
Paynter, Albert, Cornelius,
David, Eliza, Elizabeth,
James, Jane, John P., Mary,
Mary S., Richard, Sally,
Samuel Rowland, Samuel ,
Sarah H., William
Pearce, Jno
Peaty, Richard
Pedington, Henry
Pemberton, Elizabeth, Joseph,
Capt. Thomas
Pendree, Margaret
Penn, Hon. John, William
Pennewell, David, Mrs
Permaine, Henry, Jane
Pjernatry, Robert R.
Perrot, Richard
Petefar, Herry
Peterkin Elizabeth, James,
Jane, Thomas
Peters, Rev. Mr.
Petters, Abraham
Pettitt, Jane
Pettly, Thomas
Phelman, Thomas
Phillips, Hester, Jacob,
Pickering, Charles
Pieters, Abraham, Anthony
Piles, Affyance, Comfort,
Issac, Rebecca, William,
Pindar, Thomas
Pinner, Sarah
Planer, William
Plasket, Ann, J.P.
Pleasanton, John
Plomer, Henry
Polk, Elizabeth, Ephriam,
John, Mary, William
Pollard, Samuel
Pomfrey, Walter
Pounder, Alexander, John
Pope, Samuel
Port, Lewis
Porter, Abell, Robert
Potter, Abrahm, Jane
Powel, Walter M
Prentice, william
Preston, Samuel
Prettyman, France, James,
Price, Catheren, Catherine,
Ian, John, Mrs. Eliza,
Rachell, Thomas, Sr, jr,
Prince, Ed
Pryor, Thomas
Pullen, Capt.
Putteet, John
Quant, Thomas
Quincy, Rev. Mr.
Rawlings, William
Ray, Alexander
Rayman, Dina, Mary, Peter
Rechardson, John, jr
Redwood, John
Reed, Captain
Register, John
Renords, Richard
Rest, Wiliam
Reveille, Randall
Reynolds, John, Rev. John
Rhoads, Ellenor, Hinman,
Richards, Elloner, John,
Mary, Robert, Sarah, Wm,
Richardson, Hannah, James
John, Mary
Richeson, John, R
Richets, Reece
Rida, Nance
Ridont, J.
Rideout, Nichols
Rigs, Ann, George
Risbie, Capt. James
Roads, Comfort, Elizabeth,
John, Patience
Roberts, James, Joseph, Mary
Hilborn, Rachel
Robertson, Alfred, Burton,
John, George, Peter
Rodney, Caesar, Caleb, Capt
Danl, Daniel, Henry, John,
John jr, Nicholas, Thomas,
Rogers, John, Thomas
Roots (Rhoads) Dr. John
Ross, Edward, George, Wm.
Row, Frederick
Rowland, Elizabeth, Mary,
Sally, Samuel (jr), William
Rowles, Bartree, Bryant
Rumbolt, Francis
Russel, Mary
Russell, Betty, Hannah, John, Joseph, Lyddy, Lydia, Philip
Ryan, Edward.
Sadler, Mickel
Samuel, Corporal
Sander, Anthony
Sanders, Charles, Mr.
Sargent, Stephen
Sarverus, Hendrick
Savidge, John
Scarbourgh, Mathew
Schey, Ferdinand
Schnieder, John
Scott, Comfort, Ferimia,
Jane, Jeremiah
Seaton, Ann
Seatton, James
Selthuge, William
Shackleday, James
Shackley, John
Shaltham, Jacot
Shankland, Ann, Ann Mary
John, Mills, Patience,
Rhoades, Robert, Sarah,
Shard, Randolph (Chirugeon)
Sharp, John
Sharpe, Horo
Shattain, Jacob
Shaw, Henry, William
Sheepard, Harcklos, Mary
Shibo, Mr.
Shields ,Luke,Mary
Shoulter, Richard
Showell, Samuel
Sikes, Elizabeth, Helen,
James, Nathaniel
Silby, Thomas
Simons, Johana, John, Mary,
Simmons, Will
Simson, James, Margaret
Skellinger, William
Skidmor, Henry
Skilley, Rev. Wm
Slawter, Thos.
Slicher, Wigbolt
Smith, Doctor, Rev.,
Francis, Henry, Isaac, Jane,
Jenkin, John, Judge, Mary,
Nathaniell, Pieter, Robert,
Sarah, Thomas, William
Snoud, Mrs.
Southrin, Mary
Spartes, William
Spencer, Frances, John,
Major, Margaret, Wm jr.
Spicer, Mathew
Spooner, Charles
Squyer, Peter
Staplton, Wm
Starges, Honor
Starges, Jonathan
Star, Dick
Starr, Author, Catherine,
Staton, Comfort, Warrington
Steel, James
Stephen, Adam
Stevens, Henry, John,
Stiles, George
Stoaklie, John, Woodman
Stockley, Burton, Sarah
Paynter, Woodman,
Storey Nathan
Streacher, Thomas
Streate ,Joane
Streether, Mrs
Streeter, Henry
Stretcher, Edward, Fenwick
Stricker, Henry, Sarah
Stubbs, Rev.Stuckbury, Ellenor, John
Sturgis, Stephen
Stuyvesant, Petrus
Styles, Samuel
Suffragan, Bishop
Sugars, Sarah
Summerford, Jeffrey
Swain, John
Sweney, John
Swetman, Jean, William
Ssyonsen, Yoems
Talbot, Rev
Tarran, Thomas
Tasker, Benj
Tayler, Mathew, William,
Apalina, Elizabeth,
Christopher, John
Terry, A.H.
Thomas, Ann, Governor, James
Thompson, George, James,
Jane, John, Sarah,
Rev. Thomas
Thorne, Rev. Sydenham
Thornton, David, Elishe
Till, William
Tilloston, Abp
Tilton, John
Tingley, Rev. Samuel
Wom, William
Tomson, Ezekiel
Tenny, Diggerie
Tomlinson, Robert
Torbut, Essble
Townsend, Jacob, John, Will
Trotter, Will
Trout, Elizabeth, George,
Truitt, Joanna, John, sara
Truxton, Elizabeth, Thom,
Tryal, James
Tucker, Elizabeth, Henry,
Tull, John, Matha, Richard
Turner, Isaac, Joseph, Martin,
Tuxbury, Ellmer, John
Ussher, Rev. Arthur
VanCourtland, Capt.
Vandehyden, Mathias
Van den Borgh, Hendrick
Vanderhagen, Mathia
Van Frenhoven
Van Kirk, anii Johnson
Van Kirk, Grace Johnson
Van Renssaller, Kilian
Van Ruyven
Van Sweeringen, Sheriff
Vent, James
Verhoofe, Cornelius
Verhoofe, Eve
Verplank, Gurlaine
Vessels, Henry
Vines, John, Katherine
Voshall, Obadiah
Walker, Capt Nathaniel
Walker, James, James Miers,
John, Mary, Mrs. Robert
Waltham, John
Walton,george, William
Waples, Burton
Wargent, William
Warner, Edmond
Warren, Jacob, Robert, Sarah
Warrington, Peter, Stephen,
Thomas, William
Washington, John
Watson, Captain, Elizabeth,
Isaac, John, Joseph, Luke,
Margaret, Mary, Samuel,
Wattson, Luke, jr
Wattson, Sarah
Webb, Abigail, Hannah
Thompson, Jacob,
Mary Bedford, Sylvester,
Webe, Isaac, Mary
Webster, John, Rachel
Weedon, James
Weems,Mason Locke,
Welbor, John
Welch, Nehemiah
Welius, Domine
Wellburne, Thomas
Wells, James, John, Thos,
Thos jr., Wm Hill
Welton, Rev. Doctor
Wessels, Gerardus
West, Abigail, Elizabeth,
George, John, Major John,
Tabita, Thomas
Westcott, Mary
Westly, Richard
Westrom, Abram
Wetherspoon, David
Weyman, Robert
Wharton, Walter
Whetmann, Stephen
Whitefield, Mr.
White, Grace, John, Samuel,
March, Wrixham
Whitesides, Rev.
Whitman, Stephen
Whittman, Elizabeth, John
Whitwell, Francis
Wickes, Rev. Wm
Wilkins, And one
Wilbank, Mr.
William, Richard
Williams, Anne, Edward,
Francis , Henry, James,
John,, Rebecca, Reynear,
Richard, Robert, Thomas
Willis, Richard
Willoughby, Wm
Wilson, Mercy, Rev. Mathew
, Dr., Thomas, Mary,
Simon, Thomas
Wiltbank, Abigail, Abraham
Abraham jr.,Ann, Anne,
Comly, Cornelius, Dr.
Alfred Stockley, Elizabeth,
Esther, Fonira, Frank Comly
George, Halmanus, Isaac,
Jacob, John, Jonica, Mary
Elizabeth, Rebecca, Rev
James, Robert, Samuel
Winch, John
Winder, Robert
Winn, Elizabeth, Thomas, Dr
Winster, Johannis, Peter
Wocon, John
Wolfe, John, Mary, Reece,
Rice, William
Wolfenden, Mary
Wolgast, Otto
Wood, Robert
Woodward, Harry
Woolf, Daniel, Sara, Wm
Wright, Nat
Wrighte, John
Wynkoop, John
Wynne, John
Yeates, Jasper
Yerris, Barrant
York, Duke of
Young, Caly, Catherine,
George, John, Mary