Burton, Benjamin died 11 February 1814 age 26 years 4 months 9 days Burton, Benjamin died 26...
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CHAPTER X PIRATES AND PRIVATEERS AMONG the many hardships with which our forefathers had to contend in...
CHAPTER IX DELAWARE UNDER WILLIAM PENN PENN was very well represented in the new province and his...
CHAPTER VIII WILLIAM PENN AND HIS GOVERNMENT Afterthe Restoration of the Stuarts the attention of the court...
CHAPTER VII DELAWARE UNDER THE DUTCH AFTER the conquest of the Swedish settlements on the Delaware, Director...
CHAPTER VI SIR EDMUND PLOWDEN AND NEW ALBION Before the grant of the Province of Maryland to...
CHAPTER VNEW SWEDEN ON THE DELAWARE SWEDEN was now to become the competitor of France, and England,...
CHAPTER IVDISCOVERY AND SETTLEMENT BY THE DUTCH, 1609-1636 IT is not positively known who discovered the territory...
CHAPTER IIITHE ABORIGINES A VAST, mysterious, barbarian race, the aborigines of the Western Continent, emerged gradually from...