The following books are currently being used in the Delaware Biography Project. This is by no means...
Source: Scharf, Thomas J., History of Delaware, 1609-1888, Volume Two- pp. 854-880. CHAPTER XLVIII. PENCADER HUNDRED. THIS...
Thanks to Nancy for transcribing the WPA records for this cemetery * Eagle Mary, wife of John...
Riverview Cemetery website This is a partial transcription, thanks to Paul Morris Riverview Cemetery 3300 N. Market...
This is just a partial transcription Lombardy Cemetery is located on Rt 202, Concord Pike, Wilmington. It...
Ebenezer United Methodist Church Cemetery Townsend EBENEZER [United Methodist] CHURCH CEMETERY, Ebenezer Church Rd., Townsend, Delaware Transcribed...
DESUSSEX-L – a list related to the discussion of genealogy in Sussex County. for the list...
DEKENT-L – a list related to the discussion of genealogy in Kent County. for the list...
DENEWCAS-L – a list related to the discussion of genealogy in New Castle County. for the...
County Resources Sussex County Courthouse The Circle, P.O. Box 589 Georgetown, DE 19947 (302) 855-7743 ...